Friday, 22 March 2013

Yuuki 2

Spring is finally came. Yuuki and I take some adventures around Steveston. This post is a thought from what I have seen and felt during today's adventure. 

For people who studied in China, we know that there were many ancient chinese poets. I have studied a lot of poets during my education in China. I won't say that I enjoyed them that time, because all I did was memorizing the poem without completely understanding them.

When I was young, I tried to write poems. I found it's much harder than learning English. Later on, I focused on learning English, since I know I am moving over seas. 

Back to Yuuki. When we went to our adventure today, I let him off leash and enjoy the open field by himself.  I watched him run and sniff that made me think about some poems (see below). I hope Richmond keeps this field as the way it is. It's so nice to step in nature just one block away from home. 




              天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊 (小狗)  

前不见古人,   后不见来者。


登鹳雀楼, 作者:王之涣 

1 comment:

  1. Could you add subtitles?

    My parents lived along that small ditch near your apartment. They lived in a tiny wood shack. That patch of land Yuuki is running in was way different in the old days. Its much nicer now.
